Meet the Team who make it happen
We are all looking forward to inviting you into the world
of Changing Conversations for a Changing World
Anita Edvinsson
I believe in every persons ability to grow, learn and blossom. The time has come for everybody to stop following gurus and instead become a conscious leader of life, both in private and professional context.
My work with individuals, teams and organisations is based on concept of awareness and empowerment. In co-creation with me you will gain in wisdom, deep insights and increased consciousness, that will enrich your leadership and your team performance beyond the stars.
Carina Vinberg
I am passionate about identifying personal values and core competencies to become more clear, confident and credible as an individual and leader. With awareness and practice in tools for successful self-leadership, I contribute to trusting cultures and greater well-being.
Personal values I live every day: Generous, Curious, Focus and Engagement!
Carol Henry
I help clients increase self and other awareness bringing clarity on the skills and talents they bring to the table. This awareness is leveraged to build high trust, clear communication and the safety to experiment, innovate and collaborate.
The result is high engagement and satisfaction and a team that delivers on business goals.
Catharina Wohlecke-Haglund
I help people talk about things that matter to them. I support them to see more perspectives and to act to move things forward. My passion is feedback and openness without judgement. I believe in celebrating small steps and focusing on strengths.
That builds a culture that can deliver and creates places where there are joy and passion.
Charlize Vogelsinger
Tree branches and roots, rivers and blood vessels. They all have the same structure. Decentralized. Deep roots, slow growth, branching out. Strong back, soft front. Why don’t we build businesses more like nature does it? How can we integrate nature’s intelligence into our way of doing business and growing?
Simply beautiful business. No ego. No blame. No power game.
As an activator and connector, this is how I imagine the future of work. I bring focus and determination to teams and individuals and together we co-create, grow and take intelligent action!
Charlotte Weston-Horsmann
Living one’s signature presence is what inspires my work with people and teams stuck in thinking and behavior patterns that no longer serve their best interests. Creating a “lifescape” from a place of clarity, balance and resilience is the springboard to purposeful presence and action.
Here is where I co-pilot with people to navigate complexity and uncertainty.
Christian Delez
I am passionate about teams’ dynamics and culture design. I want to enable high bandwidth communication between humans. Everyone deserves to co-create great products and services with ease and fun.
I love to build bridges such that people from different horizons can have a conversation on it.
Deborah Goldstein
My mission is to live a healthy life of clarity, focus and fulfilment and to support my loved ones, community and clients to do the same.
Debra Pearce McCall
I weave brain science, psychology, and the “how’s” of healthy human systems into practical tools for everyday leading.
Together, we build prosilient minds™: skilled and ready for all kinds of conversations, fostering collective learning, and navigating the ongoing currents of change toward work cultures of sustainable wellbeing.
Donna Daigle
I help individuals and organisations move from conscious incompetence (I know what I don’t know) to unconscious competence (I am who I am designed to be).
Every person and every business is unique. Finding the authentic expression of “I” within the greater context of “We”, will change everything!
Dominique Ara
Life brought me to Japan when I was little, and I had to learn a whole new way of interacting with kids.
Since then, my thing is to inspire opening up lines of communication and enable people of all levels and culture to work together with genuine passion, enthusiasm and a shared vision for the future.
Eilish McKeown
I believe each of us has within us the resources and potential for self-understanding and change. I am passionate about working with people, committed to personal development and continuous improvement including conflict management. I have a background in multinationals in Finance, the Public Sector in Management and Human Resource.
Elix Clintron
I work with ambitious people looking to achieve their full potential in business and life. I help them set seemingly impossible goals, manage their fear, build up their courage muscles, and gain confidence in taking bold action. I am passionate about inspiring others to be the best version of themselves.
I do so by being the very best version of myself everyday.
Erica Elam
I’m a connector – passionate about helping people connect to their best selves, their power and each other.
I partner with leaders and teams to create awareness, build strong relationships and foster inclusive cultures of trust where productive communication and intentional action achieve great results.
Grace Moniz
Faith, family, people and international travel have been the foundations in my life. Forever curious about people, I provoke ideas and challenge ways of thinking.
With a space for unconditional acceptance, leaders unlock their own development, rewire the way they think and broaden their perspectives to lead with greater clarity, confidence, and compassion.
Jane Owen
My focus is supporting individuals in organisations to find the authentic leader within them.
With previous roles in management consulting, financial services and retail, I have a deep understanding of what it takes to be successful in an organisation.
I am passionate about being successful at work and life in a sustainable way.
Jo Adams
I believe that every organisation can be a great place to work, and my mission is to help as many organisations as possible achieve this. I help leaders and managers become great bosses by enabling them to have better conversations resulting in healthier organisations.
Karin Ovari
My focus is on Behavioural and Psychological Safety and the future of Human Interaction.
I love working with teams and their leaders enabling them to reduce conversational waste, and get stuff done through inclusion and having the right conversation for the right mood.
Linda Keller
My passion is enabling individuals and teams to unleash their full potential by becoming more self-aware of who they are, how they communicate and by mastering their relationships with others.
When people communicate effectively, they can achieve amazing results, build and foster trust, and enjoy themselves.
Marian Bourne
I work with highly successful leaders to give them the skills and resources they need for greater resilience and less stress.
Stress is the number one enemy of health, relationships and careers and too many executives don’t recognise they have a problem until they crash and burn-out. At that point, many have to walk away from careers they’ve spent a lifetime building.
Mary Ann Walsh
Learning is my highest value and genuine passion. My clients get results when we focus on learning as a means to that end. I work hard to inspire clients to think about themselves and their learning to become even more effective leaders.
That learning creates insight. Insight leads to behaviour change. In this way, we can accomplish business goals.
Mareike Walter-Paschkowski
My clients are my passion. I have a deep belief in the potential of the individual. I am working with organizations and individuals who are committed to change and development to achieve their full potential. My approach is results-oriented and aims to deliver profitable and measurable results to my clients within the agreed time frame.
My coaching values are: challenge & change.
Pat Saint
As a Change Leader, I am passionate about inspiring teams and individuals to value the importance of trust in strengthening relationships and in developing genuine servant leadership skills…
Sonja Vlaar
In my capacity as a coach / consultant for Organizational Development and Change, I partner with leaders and their teams to build strong relationships to leverage Inclusion, Resilience and Trust. My approach is based on relationship-systems-work, skills development and neuroscience.
I like to be a witness and travel-companion on the inner travels of my clients.
Tanja Murphy-Ilibasic
I am the initiator and current chair of our European C-IQ Collective.
As a corporate coach and communications specialist, I have spent the last 25+ years working for and with major multinationals. The cornerstone of my approach is to enable individuals and groups to unlock potential within themselves and others, elevating performance to extraordinary levels.
Ute Franzen-Waschke
I work with individuals and teams on communication processes, relationship building and co-creating work environments for individuals and teams to thrive. My clients span the automotive & telecommunication industries as well as the public sector, and start-ups.
Before I started my own business, I worked in multinationals in various roles for more than 15 years.
Varda Trauger
My personal quest to find the right balance between my need to belong, to contribute, as well as my drive to stay true to myself.
This led me to develop the “ANIOU” way: how WE include, respect and support each other as distinct unique individuals and connect into healthy resilient organizations and communities.

Vicky Miethe
I help leaders and teams to navigate changes, obstacles, work relationships, and the emotional field of uncertainty. I focus on helping leaders and organisations create ‘change-ready’ habits that allow them together to engage actively in a world where changes are ‘the new norm.’
My passion: To make the complicated simple!